Finally Mircosoft bugged Skype and its user..

A bug-free VoIP communications software application (Skype) was successfully acquired and bugged by Microsoft, after few days of acquisition.

Skype users all over the world feel bugged as well, as the perfect past of Skype has now indefinite future in the hands of Microsoft. Should these users start looking for Skype alternate or wait that Microsoft ‘Genius’ fix the problem? What do Microsoft suggest?

10 thoughts on “Finally Mircosoft bugged Skype and its user..”

  1. I was expecting this crash for very first day when Mircrosoft acquired Skype. Apparently Skype fall has started after acquiring. Skype is the most efficient VOIP application that was used officially for good quality voice communication. Lets hope for better.

  2. having trouble with skype from this morning … even its working fine on my cell phone but at my laptop its @#$$#^^^^@$#@$!#&&*%^ 🙁

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